
Books We Are Reading In Class

Eastwood Public School

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Global Read Aloud

We will be participating in the Global Read Aloud Project. We will be reading Marty Mcguire in the month of October and connecting with other classes about the book.

Primary Blogging Community

Each primary classroom will spend some time visiting the focus class' blog for a week, leave comments etc.

Class Wordle

We used Wordle to describe our classroom.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Using Wall Wisher on The iPads

I am so excited about what we did today using the iPads! My students and I use a lot of sticky notes everyday.  I mean A LOT!  My students always have a sticky note or two when I'm reading a book to write down questions, write a word down they don't understand or an interesting fact that they learned.  I also use them for making predictions, brainstorming and tickets out the door.  The sticky notes were getting out of control in my classroom!  They are and still will be a valuable tool for my students, however we wanted to be more environmentally friendly, which led me to my online search for an application that I  can do all of these things using the 20 iPads we currently have instead of always using sticky notes.  I needed a site or app that the students didn't need to sign in or use an email account because I have grade 1, so I needed something easy to use.  I tried many and put it out on twitter to see if anyone had an answer for me.  ‏Kristen Ziembe from @1stgradethinks mentioned that they use Wallwisher with their iPads so I created a wall, chose an icon to put on the iPads with the link to the wall (Thank you to K. Lirenman @lirenmanLearns for the help) and we were ready to try it out.  We were meeting up with our grade 7/8 reading and writing buddies today so I thought it would be a great opportunity to try it out.  I posted the question, "Why should we continue to have reading buddies this year?"  The students responded on the iPads their thoughts and I also had it posted on the smart board .  This was very easy to set up and for my students to use.  It worked out wonderfully!   I was so impressed on how well my students responded.  I can't wait to use again. This is how it turned out:

Using QR Codes With Grade 1 Students

We have been using QR codes in our math stations for quite some time.  I have always used QR math stations that were already made.  If you want to try QR codes in the classroom, try Just type in QR codes and some will pop up that you can download.  You will need a device to scan the codes with.  We use the free Qrafter QR code reader app for the iPad.  My grade 1 students love when I hide the QR codes around the room and they have to find them.  We have used QR codes for addition, subtraction and word problems.  I wanted to try to make my own QR code literacy station.  My students have a Read and Write the Room station every week during literacy.  We have been learning about insects the past couple of weeks so I wanted to use this station to ask questions about insects and for them to record their answers.  First, I searched the internet for free QR code creators.  There were many out there to choose from.  Secondly, I thought of 10 questions for the students to answer by scanning the QR code hidden somewhere in the classroom (it's always more fun when you have to find the code).  I asked questions like, "How many body parts does an insect have?" and "Name an insect that is a carnivore." Next, I printed the codes that I created.  Then, I made a recording sheet  for the students to print their answers.  Lastly, I hid the codes around the room for the students to find.  I even created an extra QR code for when they completed the station.  They are able to scan the final code to find out that they may play one of the insect apps we have downloaded on the iPad.  I was very pleasantly surprised how easy it was to create.  I encourage you to try it in your class, and if you have, please let me know how you have used it.  I am always looking for new ideas!
Student Recording Sheet

The first 4 QR codes I made.