I am so excited about what we did today using the iPads! My students and I use a lot of sticky notes everyday. I mean A LOT! My students always have a sticky note or two when I'm reading a book to write down questions, write a word down they don't understand or an interesting fact that they learned. I also use them for making predictions, brainstorming and tickets out the door. The sticky notes were getting out of control in my classroom! They are and still will be a valuable tool for my students, however we wanted to be more environmentally friendly, which led me to my online search for an application that I can do all of these things using the 20 iPads we currently have instead of always using sticky notes. I needed a site or app that the students didn't need to sign in or use an email account because I have grade 1, so I needed something easy to use. I tried many and put it out on twitter to see if anyone had an answer for me. Kristen Ziembe from @1stgradethinks mentioned that they use Wallwisher with their iPads so I created a wall, chose an icon to put on the iPads with the link to the wall (Thank you to K. Lirenman @lirenmanLearns for the help) and we were ready to try it out. We were meeting up with our grade 7/8 reading and writing buddies today so I thought it would be a great opportunity to try it out. I posted the question, "Why should we continue to have reading buddies this year?" The students responded on the iPads their thoughts and I also had it posted on the smart board . This was very easy to set up and for my students to use. It worked out wonderfully! I was so impressed on how well my students responded. I can't wait to use again. This is how it turned out: