
Books We Are Reading In Class

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Eggciting Experiment

The grade 1's are currently partaking in an experiment with other students from British Columbia,  New Zealand,  Newfoundland, Texas and many other places. A few weeks ago we skyped with Mrs Soltau-Heller's class from Vancouver Island.  She put out a question on twitter about if anyone was interested in different classes all doing the same egg experiment and recording the results on a common Wiki. Check out the Wiki here Eggciting Experiment Wiki.  We thought it was a great idea.  Our common question is "Do you think eggs are the same all over the world?"  We were given instructions and I created a list on Twitter so other classes could tweet about the experiment at #eggciting.  We began our experiment yesterday.  Here are a few pictures:

We put a raw white egg in a clear plastic cup and covered it with vinegar. 
Here are a few of our predictions that we tweeted:

We will continue to observe our eggs and write our observations.  We will also be looking at the other classes' data to see if they are seeing the same things we are.  Stay tuned.... things should really start happening tomorrow...What do you think will happen to our eggs?


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